Prayer For The New Year.

*Remember, each day may be the start of a new year for you! Take heart if you're reading this in April 2024 and believe you've already failed the year. Your year might be April 2024 through April 2025!

My prince of peace and master of all, I decree and declare that throughout the new year, I will continue to receive revelations about the true nature of your love. Let it come to pass in countless ways, but always end the same.

I'm yours for the taking this year, and I want to learn more about the life you have in store for me. I won't allow my thoughts wander to other people's lives so that I lose sight of the life you have prepared for me and the course you have laid out for me. I'm improving this year, whether I had more successes or failures last year. Through your strength and will, I'm entering my uniquely divine elevator—without down buttons. At every level, I'll grow, mature, gain knowledge, become wiser and stronger, and unearth new information that will enable me to weather any storms this year. By the time I get to the final level, I won't recognize myself.

Lord, I pray that people who find me also find you. I pray that when they see me, they see you.

Thank you, God, for giving me life. I adore you. As I take in the crisp air of this new year, I'm grateful that you gave me an additional year to be closer to you.

In your name, Jesus, Amen.